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XL Internet Services B.V. NL - Da li hosting kompanija podržava govor mržnje?
Hate speech supporters or not?

Kako je tekla zvanična komunikacija sa hosting kompanijom Internet Services B.V. - NL
Offocial communication with hosting company


Prvi dopis

Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 10:59:33 +0100 (CET)
From: Sima Mraović 
Cc: InfoSky Network Operating Center 
Subject: Abuse rapport

        Dear XL

        We have received report from our customer about infringe of Acceptable Use Policy at 
domain name which DNS hosted by your company. Owner of problematic domain uses hate speech, 
injurious, harsh, umbrageous, outrage, offensive, derogatory, harass and abusive words for 
persons and medical doctors at unreasonable way. I am sure your AUP do not allow such activity. 
Problematic domain is "". 
        We would like to temporarily put above mentioned DNS on hold in order to stop possible 
further harassment while the lawsuit is active.
        If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

   Best regards
   Sima Mraović,  System Administrator
   INFORMATIKA a.d. - InfoSky ISP - NOC
   Srbija,  11000 Beograd,  Jevrejska 32
   Tel: +381-11-32-15-239   Fax: +381-11-32-15-344


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